1.发明专利 1.1授权发明专利 1.吴沿友,陈迎,赵红鹏,邢德科,赵宽,杭红涛,王瑞,刘莹,王世杰,刘丛强, 植被型生态混凝土微型植物栽培方法, 中国,ZL201310282879.9, 2014 2.吴沿友,赵红鹏,陈迎,赵宽,邢德科,杭红涛,陆叶,刘莹,李海涛. 植被型生态混凝土栽种诸葛菜的方法,中国,ZL201210211890.1,2014 3.吴沿友,牛慧样,王坤,刘倩,董晓娅,赵宽,朱咏莉. 利用生物酶电极法检测根系分泌物中苹果酸的电化学方法.中国.ZL201110439111.9,2014 4.吴沿友,谢腾祥,吴明津,李海涛,杭红涛,刘莹,刘丛强,王宝利. 一种定量微藻对灰岩的生物溶蚀作用方法,中国,ZL 201210577576.5,2014 5.吴沿友,谢腾祥,李海涛,杭红涛,刘丛强,王宝利,刘莹,一种微藻利用碳酸钙碳源的检测与定量方法, 中国,ZL 201310001831.6, 2014. 6.吴沿友,杭红涛,赵宽,邢德科,梁铮,谢腾祥,李海涛,刘莹,利用光合作用的二氧化碳响应曲线筛选高效利用碳酸氢根离子的植物方法,中国,ZL 201310054395.9,2014 7.吴沿友,李海涛,刘丛强,王宝利,梁小兵,徐莹,谢腾祥. 微藻利用无机碳途径的定量方法, 中国,ZL201210348447.9,2014 8.吴沿友, 邢德科,李海涛, 刘莹, 利用双标记获取植物利用无机碳源份额的方法, 中国,ZL201110331521.1, 2013 9.吴沿友,赵宽,陈迎,庞静,徐红成,赵玉国,朱咏莉,付为国,李萍萍,毛罕平,一种动态检测组培苗蒸腾速率和水分利用率的方法,中国,ZL201210009996.3,2013 (已转让和产业化实施) 10.吴沿友, 邢德科,刘丛强,王宝利,徐莹,梁铮, 刘莹,测定植物利用碳酸氢根离子能力的方法,中国,ZL 201010247881.9,2012.1 11.吴沿友,刘丛强,李萍萍,周文美,王宝利,利用碳酸酐酶活力鉴定喀斯特适生植物的方法,中国,ZL 200710021011.8,2010.11. 12.吴沿友,李萍萍,王纪章,许文祥,毛罕平,一种石灰岩地区蕨类植物繁殖方法,中国,ZL200710021010.3, 2010.5. 13.吴沿友, 刘莹,梁铮,邢德科,徐莹, 刘丛强,王宝利,一种植物利用硝酸盐能力的测定方法, 中国,ZL 201010611142.3,2012.12 14.吴沿友,李萍萍,周秋月,毛罕平. 一种设施蔬菜合理照光剂量的确定方法,中国,ZL200910034793.8,2011.1(已转让和产业化实施) 15.吴沿友, 周秋月, 向忠平, 李萍萍, 刘丛强,一种基于图像分析的土壤速效磷的测定方法,中国,ZL2008100239021.1. 2011.6 16.吴沿友,李萍萍,桑小花,杨晓勇,毛罕平,赵玉国.一种用四参数逻辑斯蒂方程来预测茅苍术生长的方法,中国,ZL 200910034794.2,2011.6(已转让和产业化实施) 17.吴沿友, 赵宽,杨晓勇,赵玉国, 桑小花,牛慧样 ,付为国, 朱咏莉,一种确定茅苍术收获期的方法,中国,ZL201110268807.X. 2012.12.(已转让和产业化实施) 18.吴沿友,许文祥,李萍萍,毛罕平,赵玉国,王纪章. 一种无菌监测植物组培苗根的生长动态的方法,中国,ZL200710134021. 2,2012.8.(已转让和产业化实施) 19.吴沿友, 鲁珊,朱咏莉,赵宽,刘莹,刘丛强,王宝利. 测定植物组培苗光合能力的方法,中国,ZL 201010263654.5,2012.12 20.吴沿友,鲁珊,赵宽,朱咏莉,付为国,李萍萍,毛罕平,赵玉国. 一种组培苗氮素利用率的无菌动态检测方法,中国,ZL 201110232910.9,2013(已转让和产业化实施) 21.吴沿友,李萍萍,毛罕平,管荣展,一种克服自交不亲和性方法.中国,ZL200510094464.4 1,2008 22.吴沿友,诸葛菜中提取萝卜子葡萄糖甙的方法,中国,ZL01129168.0,2004 23.吴沿友,刘能俊,李萍萍,天麻高产专用营养液,中国,ZL 03112732.0,2005 24.吴沿友,刘能俊,李萍萍,天麻组织培养方法,中国,ZL 03112733.9,2005 25.吴沿友,李萍萍,李西腾,赵新政,茅苍术组培繁殖的种质保存方法,中国,ZL 200510037859.0,2007 26.吴沿友,李萍萍,吴春笃,陶明清,赵玉国,诸葛菜用作浮床植物的新用途,中国,ZL 200410065543.8,2006 27.朱咏莉,吴沿友,鲁珊,杨波. 一种土壤剖面标准瞬时CO2通量的获取方法,中国,ZL201010240657.7,2012 28.付为国,吴沿友,黄文岳. 一种预测桐花树地上部分生物量的方法,中国,ZL201110144371.3,2013 29.朱咏莉,李萍萍,吴沿友,孙德民. 一种醋糟有机基质含水量的检测方法, 中国,ZL201010145770.7,2012 30.王洪亮,李萍萍,吴沿友,一种水域浮床及其栽培方法,中国,ZL200610041567.9 3,2010 31.吴春笃,陶明清,张波,储金宇,张鹏,黄卫东,黄勇强,吴沿友,三维多向流湿地处理排入江河面源污染和净化河水的方法,中国,ZL 200610085345.7,2009 1.2 受理发明专利 1.吴沿友;朱剑昀.一种基于高压静电场的植物理疗装置,中国,CN201410315450,X,2014 2.吴沿友,谢腾祥.一种制备成组的两种稳定同位素组成相差悬殊的碳酸钙同位素标记物的方法,中国,CN201410463515.5,2014 3.吴沿友,张明明,邢德科,于睿,赵宽,周贵尧,乔韡轶.一种快速定量计算植物固有抗干旱能力的方法. 中国,CN201410218776,2014 4.吴沿友,王宗林,邢德科,王秀红,尹淇淋,乔韡轶,赵宽,朱剑昀.一种测定滩涂湿地早晚潮间期土壤CO2通量的方法. 中国,CN201310702931,2014 5.吴沿友,朱剑昀,张明明,李美清,邢德科,赵宽,赵玉国.一种测量植物根毛细胞膜电位的方法. 中国,CN201410183905, 2014 6.吴沿友,周贵尧,刘荣成,赵宽,邢德科,付为国,赵玉国,一种河口湿地红树林生态修复造林方法. 中国,CN201410212516,2014 7.吴沿友,杭红涛,谢腾祥,王瑞,陆叶,张开艳,姚凯,刘莹,刘丛强,王宝利,一种测定大气二氧化碳日平均稳定碳同位素组成的方法, 中国,CN 201310566551.X, 2013. 8.吴沿友,张明明,李美清,邢德科,于睿,路欣,朱剑昀,赵玉国,赵宽, 一种定量检测植物抗干旱能力的方法, 中国, CN 2013071096.X, 2013. 9.吴沿友,张明明,邢德科,于睿,路欣,朱剑昀,李美清,赵玉国,赵宽, 一种测定植物叶片紧张度的方法, 中国,CN 201310604103.4, 2013. 10.吴沿友,乔韡轶,赵玉国,赵宽,邢德科,王宗林,刘汉玄,李美清,一种诸葛菜人工种子制作方法, 中国,CN 201310618848.6, 2013. 11.吴沿友,赵玉国,乔韡轶,王金田,刘彩,赵宽,邢德科, 一种杂交鹅掌楸人工种子的制作方法, 中国,CN 201310681360.8,2013. 12.吴沿友,任睿,邢德科,王瑞,张开艳,赵宽,杭红涛,李海涛,刘莹,利用指示植物的需水信息确定被考察植物需水量的方法,中国,CN 201310054146.X,2013. 13.吴沿友,赵宽,赵玉国,邢德科,利用根系有机酸的分泌特征检测植物抗缺磷胁迫能力,中国,CN201310056102.0,2013. 14.吴沿友,赵宽,牛慧样,庞静,陈迎,邢德科,赵玉国,利用根系分泌的苹果酸含量表征植物抗干旱胁迫能力的方法,中国,CN20121052485.4,2012 15.吴沿友,李海涛,李潜,谢腾祥,刘丛强,王宝利,刘莹. 一种微藻间接碳汇能力的定量方法,中国,CN201210405278.8,2012 16.吴沿友,张开艳,杭红涛,王瑞,李海涛,刘丛强,王宝利,刘莹. 组培苗自养份额的测定方法,中国,CN201210281953.0,2012 17.吴沿友,黄华坤,李海涛,多参照内标法定量基因表达量的方法, 中国, CN201110316621.7, 2011 18.吴沿友, 许文祥,李萍萍,刘莹,刘丛强,王宝利,动态测定植物组培苗自养能力的方法,中国,CN201010263569.9, 2010 19.吴沿友, 施倩倩,王坤, 李萍萍,朱咏莉,宋艳娇,一种利用锑微电极测定植物碳酸酐酶活力的电化学方法,中国,CN200910312517.3 , 2010 20.付为国,吴沿友.一种测算红树植物秋茄叶面积的方法,中国,CN201210109008.2,2012 21.付为国,汤涓,吴沿友,黄文岳.一种测算水生植物单位叶面积泥沙沉积量的简便方法,中国,CN201210146173.5,2012 22.吴沿友,宋艳娇,李萍萍,施倩倩,鲁珊,朱咏莉,杨晓勇.一种基于光谱分析的培养基中蔗糖含量的无菌检测方法. 中国,CN200910312534.7,2010 23.吴沿友,赵新政,李萍萍,毛罕平,章友.自体输血增加高邮鸭双黄蛋产率的方法. 中国, CN200510122658.0,2006 24.吴沿友,赵新政,李萍萍,毛罕平,章友,许文祥.善产双黄蛋鸭的早期鉴别方法. 中国,CN200610096744.3,2007 25.朱咏莉,李萍萍,吴沿友,杨运克,德民,一种醋糟发酵复合微生物菌剂及其制备方法,中国,CN201010137319.0,2010 26. 吴沿友,乔韡轶,谷睿智,邢德科,赵玉国,张明明,吴沿胜,一种人工种皮保水抗压能力的量化方法, 中国, 201410642714.2 2.Monograph(专著) 1.1Yanyou Wu, Haitao Li, Tengxiang Xie et al.Biogeochemical action of microalgal carbonic anhydrase. Science Press.2014(In press) 吴沿友,李海涛,谢腾祥,等著,微藻碳酸酐酶生物地球化学作用,科学出版社,2014(出版中) 1.2 Yanyou Wu,Kaiyan Zhang,Chapter 5, Sterile dynamic measurement of the in vitro nitrogen use efficiency of plantlets. Chapter 6, Noninvasive measurement of in vitro growth of plantlets by image analysis. Plant Image Analysis Fundamentals and Applications. Plant Image Analysis Fundamentals and Applications. ( Eds, S. Dutta Gupta and Yasuomi Ibaraki), CRC press,2014,79-147 1.3 Yanyou Wu, Weihong Sun, Yuguo Zhao, Kuan Zhao. Principle and technology of sterile measurement on the plantlets in vitro. Science Press.2012,1-183. 吴沿友,孙卫红,赵玉国,赵宽,组培苗无菌检测原理及技术,科学出版社,2012,1-183 1.4 Yanyou Wu, Rongcheng Liu. The plants’ adaptability to environment of Quanzhou bay estuary wetland. Science Press.2011,1-214 吴沿友,刘荣成,泉州湾河口湿地植物的环境适应性,科学出版社,2011,1-214 1.5Yanyou Wu, Xiaoyong Yang, The breeding principle and technology of atractylis lancea, an authentic Chinese herbal medicine, Jiangsu University Press, 2009,1-193 吴沿友,杨晓勇,道地中药材茅苍术的品种选育原理与技术,江苏大学出版社,2009,1-193 1.6 Congqiang Liu, etc. The biogeochemistry process and earth's surface material cycle ——The southwest karst soil-elements cycle in vegetation system(the relationship between vegetation cover and rocks/soil, the geochemistry function of the nutrition cycle in the roots environment, the biogeochemistry cycle between karst plants and the creature in soil), Science press. 1.1 million words( twenty thousand words). 刘丛强*等,生物地球化学过程与地表物质循环——西南喀斯特土壤-植被系统生源要素循环(西南喀斯特地区植被覆盖与岩石和土壤,根际环境养分循环过程中的地球化学作用,喀斯特植物与土壤养分生物地球化学循环),科学出版社. 110 万字(2 万字),2009. 1.7 Pingping Li, Yanyou Wu, Weiguo Fu, etc. The research on structure of plant community, function, and repair technology in Riverside wetland, Zhenjiang city. Science Press. 2008,1-150. 李萍萍,吴沿友,付为国等著,镇江滨江湿地植物群落结构、功能及修复技术研究,科学出版社,2008,1-150. 1.8 Yanyou Wu, Congqiang Liu, Shijie Wang, The karst adaptability research of the orychophragmus violaceus. Guizhou science and technology press. 2004,1-154. 吴沿友,刘丛强,王世杰, 诸葛菜的喀斯特适生性研究,贵州科技出版社, 2004,1-154. 1.9 Yanyou Wu, The theory and practice of poverty alleviation and development in karst area, Guizhou minorities press. 2002,1-232. 吴沿友,喀斯特地区扶贫开发理论与实践, 贵州民族出版社,2002,1-232. 1.10 Yanyou Wu, Organism-The dependent friends for mankind. Hunan education press. 2000,1-183. 吴沿友,生物—人类相依为命的朋友,湖南教育出版社, 2000,1-183. 1.11 Nengjun Liu, Yanyou Wu, The research and application of the gastrodia elata. Guizhou minorities press. 1998,1-131. 刘能俊,吴沿友, 天麻的研究与应用,贵州民族出版社,1998,1-131. 1.12 Yanyou Wu, The comprehensive research on the karst adaptable plant,corychophramus violaceua. Guizhou science and technology press. 1997,1-168. 吴沿友,喀斯特适生植物诸葛菜综合研究,贵州科技出社,1997,1-168. 3 Paper (论文) 3.1 SCI 1.Deke Xing, Yanyou Wu*.Effect of phosphorus deficiency on photosynthetic inorganic carbon assimilation of three climber plant species, Botanical Studies.2014, 55(1): 1-8. 2.Rui wang*, Yanyou Wu*, Hongtao Hang a, Ying Liu , Tengxiang Xie , Kaiyan Zhang , Haitao Li. Orychophragmus violaceus L., a marginal land-based plant for biodieselfeedstock: Heterogeneous catalysis, fuel properties, and potential. Energy Conversion and Management.2014, 84: 497-502. 3.Kuan Zhao, Yanyou Wu*.Rhizosphere calcareous soil P-extraction at the expense of organiccarbon from root-exuded organic acids induced by phosphorus deficiency in several plant species. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,DOI:10.1080/00380768.2014.934191,2014,60(5): 640-650 4.Weiguo Fu, Daomin Liu, Qilin Yin, Yanyou Wu, Pingping Li. Suspended sediment in tidal currents: An often-neglected pollutant that aggravates mangrove degradation. Marine pollution bulletin, 2014,84:164-171) 5.Tengxiang Xie, Yanyou Wu*,The role of microalgae and their carbonic anhydrase on the biological dissolution of limestone,Environmental Earth Sciences. 2014, 71(12): 5231-5239. 6.Wu, Y.Y., Zhao, K. Root-exuded malic acid versus chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in four plant species under different phosphorus levels. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13(3):604-610. 7.Wu, Yanyou, Niu, Huiyang; Wang, Kun; Liu, Qian; Li, Henan; Dong, Xiaoya; Zhao, Kuan; Zhu, Yongli. Biosensor Based on Malic Dehydrogenase Immobilized in a CdS-Graphene-Chitosan Nanocomposite for Root-Exuded Malic Acid Determination. Sensor Letters. 2013, 11, 436-441 8.Yanyou Wu, Huakun Huang, Cloning and sequence analysis of the gene encoding endopolygalacturonases in the cotton black spot disease fungus Alternaria macrospora, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 7:13-18, 2013. 9.Cao, D. M., Xiao, X., Wu, Y. M., Ma, X. B., Wang, M. N., Wu, Y. Y., Du, D. L. . Role of electricity production in the anaerobic decolorization of dye mixture by exoelectrogenic bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 136: 176-181. 10.Li, Q., Wu, Y. Y., Wu, Y. D. Effects of fluoride and chloride on the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Water Science and Technology, 2013, 68: 722-727. 11.Y.-Y. Wu, C.-Q.Liu, P.-P.Li, J.-Z.Wang, D. Xing, B.-L. Wang, Photosynthetic characteristics involved in adaptability to Karst soil and alien invasion of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent.)in comparison with mulberry (Morus alba L.). Photosynthetica, 2009,47 (1): 155-160. 12.Wu Y.Y.and Xing D.K. Effect of bicarbonate treatment on photosynthetic assimilation of inorganic carbon in two plant species of Moraceae Photosynthetica. 2012, 50(4): 587-594. 13.WU YanYou, XU Ying, LI HaiTao, XING DeKe. Effect of acetazolamide on stable carbon isotope fractionation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris. Chinese Science Bulletin.2012,57:786-789. 14.Xing D., Y. Wu, Photosynthetic response of three climber plant species to osmotic stress induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2012, 34(5): 1659-1668.doi: 10.1007/s11738-012-0961-7 15.Wu YY, Liu RC, Liang Z,The distribution of salinity and pH in the coastal estuarine mangrove wetland soil. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2009, 73(13): A1455-A1455. 16.Yanyou Wu, Rongcheng Liu, Yuguo Zhao, Pingping Li, Congqiang Liu, Spatial and seasonal variation of salt ions under the influence of halophytes, in a coastal flat in eastern China. Environmental Geology, 2009, 57 (7): 1501-1508. 17.Yanyou Wu, Kuan Zhao, Deke Xing, Does carbonic anhydrase affect the fractionation of stable carbon isotope. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2010, 74 (11): A1148-A1148. 18.Wu, Y; Xu, W. Effect of plant growth regulators on the growth of Orychophragmus violaceus plantlets in vitro. Planta Medica, 77(12): 1292-1293, 2012. 19.Weiguo Fu, Pingping Li, Yanyou Wu, JianjianTang. Effects of different light intensity on antioxidative enzyme activity, quality, and biomass in lettuce. Horticultural Science, 2012,39(3):129-134 20.Weiguo Fu,Pingping Li,Yanyou Wu,Effects of different light intensities on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and yield in lettuce, Scientia Horticulturae, 2012,135:45-51 21.Wu, Y ; Zhao, Y ; Sang, X ; Yang, X, Selecting superior variety of Atractylodes lancea through photosynthetic characters and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. 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